
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate all'archeologia. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Friday 22 April 2011

Bofedale - wetlands

Wiki  is reporting that "Bofedal es un humedal de altura y se considera una pradera nativa poco extensa con permanente humedad. Los vegetales o plantas que habitan el bofedal reciben el nombre de vegetales hidrofíticos. Los bofedales se forman en zonas como las de los macizos andinos ubicadas sobre los 3.800 metros de altura, en donde las planicies almacenan aguas provenientes de precipitaciones pluviales, deshielo de glaciares y principalmente afloramientos superficiales de aguas subterráneas." 
From the article, Los camellones alrededor del lago Titicaca, by Pierre Morlon, 2006, a bofedal is an artificial wet area used for cultivation, such as the qochas.
The site Atlantisbolivia.org is reporting an interesting image from Google Maps of  bofedales near Lake Poopo, Bolivia. The site is telling "...it may not be realised on the ground, but these satellite images show that these ponds were at one time artificially constructed in rows, with interlinking small channels in the Pampa Aullagas region of the Altiplano. On the Altiplano there are many such examples of this type of landscape, some natural, some artificial as above, which are known asbofedales (wetlands)."